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Family Engagement 

For Families: Our  Family Engagement Specialists promotes and supports early childhood development and family engagement through coordinating free, interactive family-friendly  events, offering child developmental screening and connecting families to community support services.

Free Child Developmental Screening

Books Balls & Blocks

Parent Café

Community Partnership



What We Do

Community Child Cares Solutions offers free developmental screening for children birth to 5 years old. The Screening is a quick check of your child’s developmental milestones. The screening takes a snapshot of your child’s current skills and helps accurately identify children who may be at risk for delays - the screening does not give a diagnosis.  Regular screening provides a fast and helpful look at how your child is doing in important areas like communication, social skills, motor skills, and problem-solving skills.


Screening can identify your child’s strengths, uncover new milestones to celebrate, and reveal any areas where your child may need support. It helps you understand your child’s development and know what to look for next. And it helps you work with doctors and educators to plan next steps when it makes the most difference—your child’s critical first years of life.

My First Book

Free Child Developmental Screening

If you are interested in completing a free child developmental screening please click on the link below of the county you live in or contact us for questions or additional information.

Viki Palmer

Middlesex County Family Engagement Specialist

732 - 934 - 2850

Renesha Lee

Somerset County Family Engagement Specialist

908 - 947 - 0581

Books, Balls & Blocks

Our Family Engagement Specialists coordinates free fun family-friendly interactive events through our Books, Balls & Blocks (BBB) initiative which provides the community with an entertaining venue where information about child development, developmental screenings, and community resources are provided. Our events include activity stations revolving around books (emergent literacy), balls (gross and fine motor and problem-solving skills) and blocks (emergent math and fine motor skills).​

If you are parent/caregiver and would like to know about our next BBB event follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates or contact us at


If you are a community partner or center director and would like to support our events by providing venue space, vendor, donation, etc. please contact us at rsvp@cccschildcare.og

BBB march 2020 (1).jpg

Parent Café

Our Parent Cafés provide parents and caregivers the opportunity to learn about various resources and topics, participate in informative workshops and presentations, and engage in meaningful conversations.


To learn more about our cafes and to see when the next event is, follow us on Facebook and Instagram or contact us at

If you are a community partner/agency who would like to present resources at our cafes please contact us .

Community Partnership

Are you interested in participating in a Books, Balls and Blocks event or Parent Café?

If you are an agency in Middlesex or Somerset counties, we would love to partner with you.

Interested in us having a table at your event? Email us at


Examples of our partners in the past: family success center, dentist office, SNAP, health clinics, law enforcement, Early Intervention and more

Upcoming Events

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Make a Difference for the Families of Middlesex & Somerset Counties

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